It takes 35 minutes only (5 minutes prep time, 30 minutes chill time) Another great use for...
Organic Tomato Soup
It takes 43 minutes (8 minutes prep time, 30 minutes simmer time, 5 minutes cool time) Simple food...
Spinach with Paprika and Cheese !
Make a popular side dish in 10 minutes and amaze your guests! Other common additions to this recipe...
Tuna, Avocado And Beef Wraps !
( takes about 10 minutes + chilling time ) Ahi tuna aka yellowfin tuna is one of the favorite...
Roasted Salmon and Rosemary
It would be a good idea to use a food processor for this step if you have one. Salmon with garlic...
Healthy Lunch Recipe
Vegan Fajita Pasta with Chickpeas and veggies. Easy Weeknight pasta with Taco seasoned veggies and...
Rice With Vegetables!
It takes up to 20 Minutes only! Preparing Rice with Mixed Vegetables Vegetables are important...
How To Cook Mongolian Beef
It Takes 32 minutes (20 minutes marinate time, 12 minutes cook time) Sweet, savory, and salty in...
Delicious Chicken Fajitas
It takes 40-45 minutes only (5 minutes prep time, 35-40 minutes cook time) Fajitas are often cooked...
Simple Shredded Chicken
Takes only 35 minutes (10 minutes prep time, 20 minutes simmer time, 5 minutes additional time) For...
Choco-Almond Breakfast Bars Recipe !
It takes about 15 minutes only Perfect for a quick breakfast on the go, these breakfast bars are...
Diet ! So Drink Water
Most of us don’t drink enough water, and don’t even recognize when our bodies are thirsty. We think...