Organic kitchen

Eating In Healthy Way

Every day we witness the effects that foods have on us. It is no secret that sickness and disease continue to plague humankind despite the billions of dollars of state, federal, and private funds that are spent each year trying to find cures for heart disease, cancer, and other life-shortening or disabling diseases. It usually leads back to how the person treated their body and nourished themselves.

Almost everyone knows someone who is suffering from a health issue. Most people have come to accept sickness and premature death as a matter of course, a normal part of human life. But modern-day nutritional experts and medical researchers have been telling us for years that these things do not happen by chance, but that there is a direct relationship between the foods that we eat and the diseases we get.

Each year, increasing scientific evidence links the top ten leading causes of death and degenerative diseases so prevalent in the world today to meat-based and dairy-based diets. These studies continue to show that people who eat a diet based on plants have increased longevity and health compared to those who eat a diet based on meat and/or milk. In recent years, many books have been published that provide the results of these clinical studies.

The worldwide increase in the production of food has led to a worldwide deficiency of soil minerals. The topsoil where plants are grown is now depleted from their minerals. Web reports cover recent nutrient losses in crops. Only decades ago, minerals, and vitamins were rich in the same crops. Meat and dairy products are even worse affected. Animals consume mineral crops that are deficient and deficient in minerals. Cooking animal products depletes them further of their minerals and vitamins.
The mineral deficiency of the topsoil is attributed to improper farm management practices, which lead to the minerals being replenished back into the soil. Since the last century, the meteoric increase in food productivity and efficiency has not been balanced by a corresponding increase in the addition of nutrients to the soil. People who eat the American traditional diet are deficient in minerals. This shortcoming is now responsible for a number of serious health problems.